I have confessed my love for first looks over and over again. It’s because I truly think they’re AWESOME!!! However, not everyone is aware of how awesome they can be because they get caught up in how “un-traditional” it is and they immediately write it off. Truth be told, the concept of a first look is becoming more and more popular every year so I thought I would put together some reasons why so many brides love them and are choosing to do them on their wedding day!
- Tradition
Almost every bride dreams of the moment they walk down the aisle and have their future husband see them for the first time. Everyone including the bride is expecting this big reaction from the groom and they want it to be like it is in the movies. Who doesn’t want that? But this can actually be VERY nerve wracking. I mean everyone is expecting this huge reaction from the groom which is a lot of pressure to put on him! Everyone is already nervous to begin with and it just adds unnecessary stress to the day. Did you know this tradition actually stems back to mid-evil times where they had arranged marriages? The whole idea of not seeing the bride before she walked down the aisle was so the groom wouldn’t back out last minute! So in reality, this isn’t even a good tradition! First looks are actually considered the NEW tradition!
When couples decide to see each other for the first time in private, it is an emotional moment that the two of them share and it’s so incredibly intimate. I get to stand off to the side and document it! This is a time for the couple to love on each other, for the groom to tell his bride how STUNNING she is and this moment serves as a once in a lifetime photo opportunity! What most brides don’t realize is that when a bride walks down the aisle, her man may think she looks fabulous, but he is unable to tell her that until AFTER the ceremony! He isn’t allowed to hug you, kiss you, or even talk to you until after the ceremony is over. After you can finally talk, it just isn’t the same as the first initial and genuine reaction you get where he can actually tell you how beautiful you look! The first look allows couples to embrace and just be together for a few minutes on their wedding day and that is priceless!!
3.Your only alone time
Believe it or not… this is your only alone time with each other for the ENTIRE wedding day! Without a first look, the day can seem very rushed and frantic because you have to squeeze in portraits, cocktail hour, bridal party photos, family formals, and then before you know it you’re off to the reception. It’s very fast paced and can get overwhelming. With a first look, you’re able to embrace each other fully. Both of you can be your true self because it’s literally just the two of you. No one is around and it’s this incredible romantic moment that is unmatchable! You can cry, laugh, hug each other… whatever you want!
4. Double the portraits
Normally after the first look, portraits get started right away! Brides that do a first look get time before AND after the ceremony! You can’t beat that! A first look actually EXTENDS your wedding day and it results in 40% MORE portraits!!! Think about it… these are the photos you’ll have hanging on your wall and the one’s you’ll be looking back on years from now, so there should be a lot! You invested into your photography and you should get the MOST out of it! Normally portraits without a first look can feel rushed because family formals need to be done PLUS bridal party photos! And then you’re cutting into your cocktail hour/reception and NO ONE wants that! Also… couples that do a first look have more time for different portrait locations!
5. Insurance Policy
I always tell my couples having a first look is like having an insurance policy. In case of a rainy wedding day or a tight timeline, you have multiple chances to get romantic portraits you have always dreamed of! It is the answer to the “oh no it’s starting to rain” or the “we’re an hour behind schedule.” It leaves a lot of wiggle room throughout the day and creates ample time throughout the timeline! Not to mention, you can actually ENJOY your cocktail hour with your guests! With no first look, portraits have to be taken during cocktail hour.
6. Calms the Nerves
I’d say, literally 1/2 of my couples who have done a first look, the grooms were not fans of it at first. However, because they have never experienced their wedding day before, they didn’t know how nerve racking it can be. I have testimonials from so many grooms that initially weren’t a fan of the first look.. but afterwards admitted to being SO much more relaxed and ready for the ceremony!
Disclaimer: I never want any of my couples to think I’m forcing them to do a first look. I just know the benefits of doing one and want to educate my brides as best I can so their wedding day is perfect and stress free!