Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Lambert!
This day has been a long time in the making. We had to reschedule because of Covid, but everything came together so nicely and you seriously couldn’t have asked for a better day!
When I did Madeline and Jordan’s engagement session two years ago (holy crap I can’t believe it’s been that long!), it was 98 degrees outside and extremely humid. And go figure… a little over two years later it got up to 100 degrees for their wedding day.
These two were such troopers in the heat. They never complained once, and I seriously don’t think either of them stopped smiling and laughing the whole day. They totally went with the flow and let their day play out the way it was meant to be. You could tell everyone that was there was so excited this day was finally here.
(I also finally got to meet little baby Louie and I can’t even put into words how adorable he is! One of the happiest, and smiliest babies I’ve ever met! I took way too many photos of him!)
This was an extremely laid back and intimate wedding and I loved EVERY second of it! Everything was held in one spot at Madelines families beach house in Maine. She told me how much this house means to her family because it’s been in her family for generations. Not only did she grow up in that beach house filled with all her childhood memories… but they also got to celebrate one of the biggest and happiest days of their life in the same house.
Little things like that are the details that make a wedding day so special!
I have to take a second to talk about their sunset portraits. Sometimes couples don’t want to get pulled for another round of photos… but let this be your sign to freaking do it!!! I asked them if they wanted sunset portraits and Madeline literally said, “Oh hell yeah.”
We were able to get some beautiful photos after the ceremony, but the light was still really harsh, and it was very hot. I told them that once the light starts to get lower and glower in the sky, those are going to be the photos they frame. And those are easily hands down my favorite from the entire day! We were able to capture the beautiful sky, and it was WAY cooler than before!
Madeline and Jordan I am so happy for you two and I’m honored I got to be there to celebrate with you! Enjoy your highlight reel!

I can’t even believe these are my photos!!
We look like we’re in a movie. And the detail photos… WOW. JUST WOW.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.