
Meredith and Nick | Engaged

August 15, 2023

We’re rolling out yet another gorgeous engagement session on the blog today! I had the privilege of capturing Meredith and Nick’s story through my lens, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to share these amazing photos with you all!

I’m telling you, we had win after win for this session. It was a day that was seriously destined to be perfect. We had to move their session from Tuesday to Wednesday due to weather, and I couldn’t be any happier that was the case. A light layer of clouds gently diffused the sunlight, creating an ethereal soft glow that enveloped Meredith and Nick. It wasn’t hot or windy either which literally never happens. It was a beautiful sight, and I had only seen the beach in this type of light once last year. Considering how rare this is…I knew we were in for something truly special. 

The clouds acted as a natural diffuser, ensuring that the light fell gracefully on the couple while also making the surrounding elements pop in the most captivating way. It’s the best of both worlds for a photographer. 

As the session began, these two interacted so incredibly well together it was so touching. You could tell they were literally made for one another.  They made my job as a photographer insanely effortless, their chemistry translating into captivating images that tell their unique story. Throw in my favorite location, and the best light, and I was screaming with excitement 5 minutes in.

To add the cutest personal touch to the shoot, Meredith and Nick surprised me with a mini orchid—a gesture that totally melted my heart. I went to work the next morning and immediately put it on my desk.It’s these little moments that truly make my job a joy.

Working with Meredith and Nick was an absolute delight. There’s a certain magic that happens whenever you get to click with your clients, and that was certainly present during their engagement session. Their easygoing nature, genuine smiles, and infectious laughter made every shot an adventure in itself. Meredith made my night at the end of the shoot when she said “I’m so excited to see these, and I’m SO glad we went with you!”

As their wedding day approaches, I have no doubt that the joy, laughter, and love that define them will make their celebration a truly unforgettable one.

Congrats you two, and I’m counting down the days until I can see you two again! Enjoy my favorites! 

Thanks for Reading!

- Morgan

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ABOUT Morgan

Your bubbly and energetic New England photographer who never turns down chips + queso or a good Friend’s re-run. 

While I could talk for hours about how much I love capturing perfect moments for my couples that I know will instantly be a favorite, the truth is that photography is just the outlet that lets me do what I truly love—serving my clients! 

I specialize in creating an atmosphere that allows my clients to feel relaxed, at ease, and truly in the moment when they are getting their photos taken. This isn’t about me or creating moments just for good photos; I ensure all of my client's images are truly aligned with who they are at their core and the way they dream of their day playing out. 


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